Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Our litle girlie girl

I knew Leia was a Princess, but boy has she taken this Princess act to another level! We can't go anywhere without her purses, necklaces, bracelets, and accessories. She even makes sure her nails are painted with the right color before we can leave the house. I always laugh that she is teaching me to be more feminine. I have been in awe of her kindness and unconditional love she has for everyone. Her happiness and contagious laughter remind me everyday how lucky I am to have her in my life. She is my very best friend and it's been a dream being able to spend so much time with her.

James and I have finished decorating the nursery (a princess pink of course) with James' beautiful addition of Waynes coating on the lower part of the wall. A true Princess Palace for our girls. We have also decided to transform our hot tub/storage area to a gym/hot tub relaxation area. We have removed all the baby storage items and replaced the area with gym equipment accompanied with lighting and music. Poor James--he is feeling the brunt of having his wife home everyday coming up with more home-improvement ideas for him to accomplish.(lol)

I am 33 weeks today and feeling better than ever. I have started cautiously swimming again and I love the feeling of being back in the water. I feel it's these moments that I can truly bond with this little angel growing inside me. I do a flip off the wall and she does a flip inside me--its a perfect symbiotic relationship.
Here are a few pics of Leia and my maternity pics for baby # 2:

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