Friday, May 13, 2011

Learning to walk

Future Racer

Pieces of Heaven

The alarm clock rings and I fumble to shut it off before it wakes up James and Leia. I finally manage to silence it and I open my eyes to see Leia and James lying cheek to cheek next to me. Her delicious baby scent and her soft baby skin overcomes me and I spend the next 5 minutes watching the two of them hugging each other thinking to myself this is what dreams are made of! Nothing is more attractive than a man with a baby girl in his arms! I am reminded of the song my mom and I sang every morning growing up “Good Morning Beautiful” by Steve Holy. Its 5:30a and I beg my aching and tired body to get up and get ready for work. My 40 minute commute to work gives me just enough time to reflect on all the important people in my life and the importance of making time to tell them how much they mean to me. My “to do” list is so vast that I can barely check one item off, but during my commute I turn off the radio and envision how I can be a better person. First, I need to call Riyad and tell him how proud I am of his graceful determination to stay positive, then I will text Carrie Stevens and tell her what an inspiration she is to me, after that I will call Rickey and remind him what a great brother he is and I am so happy for his happiness, then I need to send a present to Erin to cheer her up and remind her she is my soul-mate, then I have to call Dena and Mom to get my daily dose of sister-hood power. I arrive to work without a moment to spare and jump into the many problems that await me in pharmacy/computer world at work.

I return home from a long day’s work so anxious to have my sweet girl back in my arms. More often than not, I enter from the garage to find James and Leia playing together in the kitchen making dinner. She hears my voice and I hear the sweet pitter patter of her hands and feet across our hard-wood floor as she frantically crawls to me. I swoop her up in my arms and we kiss and hug each other. I give James a kiss and I am reminded how lucky I am to raise children with him. We enjoy the rest of the night dancing, singing, playing, and crawling up and down the stairs until we are so tired our eyes can’t stay open any longer. I guess bedtimes before 10p are over-rated in my house 

I sleep the baby by nursing her until she is fast asleep, then carefully placing her in her crib avoiding waking her. I lay my head on my pillow and reflect on how blessed I am. I turn to James to say Goodnight or as Leia would say “dye dye”.